HRPI, Inc. |

Fee Schedule, Rates and Interest 2024

The following is a listing of our Basic Rates. For a more complete and Comprehensive Schedule please contact our Office using the Contact Form.

Real Estate and Loans

Services Hourly Rate
$ 319.00

Administrative Fees Line of Credit *
$ 2,449.00

Administrative Fees Mortgage *
$ 4,159.00

Commission on Sale / Resale 7% on Total Value

Foreign Business

Monthly Services (Foreign or Domestic)
$ 2,039.00

Legal Services

Legal Services Hourly Rate
$ 659.00

Monthly Services / 12 Hours / Month
$ 6,579.00


Starting Semester ** High School
$ 10,699.00

Starting Semester ** BSc, BA, B.Ed. at College Level
$ 13,369.00

Starting Semester ** MSc, MA, M.Ed. at College Level
$ 16,419.00

Student Insurance / Year not including HealthCare Insurance
$ 1,509.00

Student VISA Application and Process
$ 4,319.00

Travel and Lodging

Weekly Room & Board
$ 1,509.00

Car Rental / Day
$ 109.00

Car Rental Semester incl. all Insurances and Fees
$ 7,549.00

Flight Service, Overseas and Domestic, Daily Rates apply


Services Hourly Rate
$ 449.00

Daily Consulting Services, one on one or Group
$ 3,799.00

- Additional Fees or Changes may apply due to Inflation, Exchange Rates or Interest Hikes.
* For 2024 the APR on Short Term Loans and Lines of Credit is set at 11,5% APR
** A Semester is approximately a 4 month Term, there are 2 Semesters in one Year of Study

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